V1.36 Original Scorpio-LK Orange5 Orange 5 Key Programming Device

With Full Cables & Adapters


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Weight 0.650 kg




V1.36 Original Scorpio-LK Orange5 Orange 5 Key Programming Device With Full Cables & Adapters:

Orange 5 Orange5 Key Programmer Is a professional general purpose programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macrolanguage for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of ICs, precisely meeting manufacturers’ requirements to read/write algorithms.

Orange5 Programmer User Manual:

Orange5 Programmer User Manual

Orange5 Programmer User Manual

Orange5 Orange 5 Programming Device With Full Cables & Adapters Hardware Features :

  • Universal easy to plug panel ZIF16 for EEPROMs
  • Control of contacts in the sockets
  • Two expansions sockets (MT & SE)
  • Protection against overcurrent
  • Overload voltage protection
  • Three 3 adjustable voltage and current control: Voltage of power supply ( 2.0…5.0V ), programming voltage (2.0…21.0V), additional static 10V for microcontrollers.
  • High-speed bidirectional pin drivers with adjustable voltage (2.0…5.0V)
  • Wave cycle generator with frequency ( up to 24 Mhz) and out voltage(2.0…5.0V) adjustment
  • Capability of functional emulation of class CDC USB devices
  • Built-in 32-bit virtual machine
  • Supported interface: I2C, SPI, MicroWire, JTAG, UART, BDM, ISO7816, K-LINE (via adapter), CAN (via adapter)

Orange5 Programmer Features

Orange5 Programmer Software Download and installation Guide:

Download the Orange5 Programmer latest software

  1. Extract the software from orange5.rar in any location on your PC
  2. Open Windows device manager
  3. Connect Orange-5 to PC
  4. Find Orange-5 in device manager then right click properties ->Driver->Update driver
  5. Navigate to driver location (where you extracted orange5.rar ) there is folder Driver [select subfolder X64 if your OS is 64bit]
  6. Install the driver
  7. Disconnect and reconnect the programmer in order to allow it to reinitialize.
  8. Run the program (orange.exe) [depending on the USER ACCOUNT CONTROL settings of your Windows you might need to run the software as administrator ] and the programmer should initialize properly and run.
    *If you get message “Hardware not detected”, but the Mode LED on top of Orange-5 is solid blue and Orange-5 is shown normally in device manager , check your USB ports/cable (if overloaded/bad contact/etc the programmer won’t run)
    *If the MODE Led is blinking driver is not installed Disconnect and reconnect again the programmer then go back to step 2.

System Requirements:

  • 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) Windows operated PC
  • Supported XP, Vista for 32-bit & 7, 8, 10 for 64-bit
  • USB 2.0 Cable: A-Male to B-Male Cord

orange5 programmer supported chip list

Orange5 Orange 5 Programmer Supported Chips List:

Orange5 Programmer Supported Chip List

Orange5 Orange 5 Key Programmer Adapters:

Adapter SOIC8-DIP8 Expert
Adapter for ICs in SOIC8-DIP8 Expert body with width 150mil

Adapter SOIC8 14 93Cxx
Adapter for SOIC8 and SOIC14(93Cxx) (by soldering)

Adapter SSOP8/DIP8
Adapter for ICs in SSOP8/DIP8 body (by soldering)

Adapter SPI FLASH 25Fxx
Adapter SPI FLASH 25FXX in body SOIC8 and SOIC16 (by soldering)

Lead with clips POMONA SOIC8
SOIC8 clips (in-circuit)

Adapter ST62xx PQFP52 PQFP80
Adapter for microcontrollers ST62xx (by soldering)

Adapter MDA2061;MDA2062
Adapter MDA2061;MDA2062

Adapter 05L28/05B
Adapter for microcontrollers MC68HC05L28(SDIP56) and MC68HC05B6/B8 in DIP48 and SDIP56 bodies

Adapter 908AS60/AZ60 QFP64
Adapter for microcontrollers 908AS60/AZ60 in body QFP64 (by soldering)

Adapter 68HC(7)05P3/E6
Adapter for microcontrollers MC68HC705E6/HC05P3/HC705P3 in SOIC28 and QFP44 bodies (by soldering)

Adapter 05B/X_705B/X QFP64 ROM write
Adapter for MC68HC(7)05B16/32,MC68HC05X16/32 in body QFP64 (by soldering) ROM write

Adapter 11PA8/11E9 QFP64
Adapter for MC68HC11PA8 and MC68HC11E9 in body QFP64 (by soldering)

Adapter 68HC05H12
Adapter for microcontrollers 68HC05H12 PLCC52

Adapter MC68HC(7)11EA9
Adapter for microcontrollers MCHC(7)11EA9 in body PLCC52

Adapter 908AS60 PLCC52
Adapter for microcontrollers 908AS60 (08AS20) PLCC52

Adapter 912Dxx QFP80/912 QFP112
Adapter for MC912Dxxx QFP80,QFP112 (by soldering)
68HC912D60(A), 68HC912DG128(A),
68HC912DJ128, 68HC912DT128

Adapter 9S12Dxx QFP80/9S12 QFP112
Adapter for MC9S12Dxxx QFP80,QFP112 (by soldering):
9S12A64, 9S12D64, 9S12A128, 9S12B128,
9S12DB128, 9S12DG128, 9S12Dj128, 9S12DT128,
9S12DJ256, 9S12DG256, 9S12DP256, 9S12DP256,
9S12DT256, 9S12DP512, 9S12DT512, 9S12XD128,
9S12XDG128, 9S12XDG256, 9S12XDT256, 9S12XDT384,

Adapter 912B32 QFP80
Adapter for 912B32 QFP80 (by soldering):
MC68HC912B32, MC68HC12BE32, MC68HC12BC32,
MC68HC912BC32, MC68HC912BD32

Adapter 9S12X QFP80/QFP112
Adapter 9S12H/HZ/XHZ QFP80/QFP112 (by soldering):
9S12H128, 9S12HZ128, 9S12H256,
9S12HZ256, 9S12XHZ256, 9S12XHZ512, etc..

Adapter MC68HC11F1 PLCC68
Adapter for MC68HC11F1 in body PLCC68

Adapter 68HC11L6
Adapter 68HC11L6

Adapter 68HC11KA4 QFP80
Adapter 68HC11KA4 MC68HC11Kx (by soldering)

Lead 05B6 WDT VW immo
Lead for 05B6 WDT VW immo (in-circuit)

Lead 11E9(20) with power
Lead for 11E9(20) with power (in-circuit)

Lead EWS3 mask 0D46J
Lead for EWS3 mask 0D46J (in-circuit)

Lead 11KA4 with power
Lead for 11KA4 with power (in-circuit)

Lead 912 (9S12)
Lead for 912 (9S12) (in-circuit)

Lead 908 (08)
Lead for 908 (08) (in-circuit)

Lead 705E6
Lead for 705E6 (in-circuit)

Adapter TMS374
Adapter for TMS374C003A, TMS374CD13A (by soldering)

PLCC Extractor
Extractor for micro-controllers in PLCC socket

Adapter 68HC11KA4 PLCC68
Adapter for 68HC11KA4 in body PLCC68

Adapter NAND Flash
Adapter for NAND Flash Samsung, Hynix, etc…
in body TSOP44, TSOP48. Double-sided (by soldering)

Adapter NDM457
Adapter NDM457

Adapter PICAVR
Adapter for Microchip PIC12,PIC16 and Atmel AVR

Adapter 908JL
Adapter for 908JL DIP28, SOIC28 , QFP32 (by soldering): MC68HC908JL3, MC68HC908JL8, MC68HC908JK3, MC68HC908JK8

Adapter PCF 7941
Adapter for PCF 7941 (by soldering)

Adapter MSP430F
Universal adapter MSP430F

Adapter 9S12XE
Adapter for 9S12XE QFP80, QFP112 (by soldering):

Orange-5 box renewal kit
Replacement box for Orange-5 programmer

Orange5 Programmer Package List





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